Demonstrating Rootfinding
The rootfinding process can be visualised using the demo_roots()
from cxroots import Circle
from numpy import exp, cos, sin
f = lambda z: (z*(z+2))**2 * (exp(2*z)*cos(z)-1-sin(z)+z**5)
C = Circle(0,3)
This will create a matplotlib window and pressing the space bar will move the rootfinding process forward one step by either subdividing a contour or finding the roots within it.
We can also save this process as an animation (in this case a gif) using
from cxroots import Circle
from numpy import exp, cos, sin
f = lambda z: (z*(z+2))**2 * (exp(2*z)*cos(z)-1-sin(z)+z**5)
C = Circle(0,3)
C.demo_roots(f, save_file='roots.gif', writer='imagemagick')