Source code for cxroots.root_counting

import logging
import warnings
from math import inf, pi
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, overload

import numdifftools
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from .contour_interface import ContourABC
from .types import AnalyticFunc, ComplexScalarOrArray, IntegrationMethod, ScalarOrArray

RombCallback = Callable[[complex, Optional[float], int], Optional[bool]]

[docs] def prod( C: ContourABC, # noqa: N803 f: AnalyticFunc, df: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, phi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, psi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, abs_tol: float = 1.49e-08, rel_tol: float = 1.49e-08, div_min: int = 3, div_max: int = 15, df_approx_order: int = 2, int_method: IntegrationMethod = "quad", integer_tol: float = inf, callback: Optional[RombCallback] = None, ) -> complex: r""" Compute the symmetric bilinear form used in (1.12) of [KB]_. .. math:: <\phi,\psi> = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_C \phi(z) \psi(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} dz. Parameters ---------- C : :class:`Contour <cxroots.contour.Contour>` A contour in the complex plane for. No roots or poles of f should lie on C. f : function Function of a single variable f(x) df : function, optional Function of a single variable, df(x), providing the derivative of the function f(x) at the point x. If not provided then df is approximated using a finite difference method. phi : function, optional Function of a single variable phi(x). If not provided then phi(z)=1. psi : function, optional Function of a single variable psi(x). If not provided then psi(z)=1. abs_tol : float, optional Absolute error tolerance for integration. rel_tol : float, optional Relative error tolerance for integration. div_min : int, optional Only used if int_method='romb'. Minimum number of divisions before the Romberg integration routine is allowed to exit. div_max : int, optional Only used if int_method='romb'. The maximum number of divisions before the Romberg integration routine of a path exits. df_approx_order : int, optional Only used if df=None and int_method='quad'. Must be even. The argument order=df_approx_order is passed to numdifftools.Derivative and is the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation. int_method : {'quad', 'romb'}, optional If 'quad' then scipy.integrate.quad is used to perform the integral. If 'romb' then Romberg integraion, using scipy.integrate.romb, is performed instead. integer_tol : float, optional Only used when int_method is 'romb'. The integration routine will not exit unless the result is within integer_tol of an integer. This is useful when computing the number of roots in a contour, which must be an integer. By default integer_tol is inf. callback : function, optional Only used when int_method is 'romb'. A function that at each step in the iteration is passed the current approximation for the integral, the estimated error of that approximation and the number of iterations. If the return of callback evaluates to True then the integration will end. Returns ------- complex The value of the integral <phi, psi>. float An estimate of the error for the integration. References ---------- .. [KB] "Computing the zeros of analytic functions" by Peter Kravanja, Marc Van Barel, Springer 2000 """ if int_method == "romb": return _romb_prod( C, f, df, phi, psi, abs_tol, rel_tol, div_min, div_max, integer_tol, callback, ) elif int_method == "quad": return _quad_prod(C, f, df, phi, psi, abs_tol, rel_tol, df_approx_order) else: raise ValueError("int_method must be either 'romb' or 'quad'")
def _romb_prod( C: ContourABC, # noqa: N803 f: AnalyticFunc, df: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, phi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, psi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, abs_tol: float = 1.49e-08, rel_tol: float = 1.49e-08, div_min: int = 3, div_max: int = 15, integer_tol: float = inf, callback: Optional[RombCallback] = None, ) -> complex: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) k = 0 I = [] # List of approximations to the integral # noqa: E741 N806 while k < div_max and ( len(I) < div_min or (abs(I[-2] - I[-1]) > abs_tol and abs(I[-2] - I[-1]) > rel_tol * abs(I[-1])) or (abs(I[-3] - I[-2]) > abs_tol and abs(I[-3] - I[-2]) > rel_tol * abs(I[-2])) or abs(int(round(I[-1].real)) - I[-1].real) > integer_tol or abs(I[-1].imag) > integer_tol ): k += 1 integral = C.trap_product(k, f, df, phi, psi) I.append(integral) if k > 1: logger.debug(f"Iteration={k}, integral={I[-1]}, err={I[-2] - I[-1]}") else: logger.debug(f"Iteration={k}, integral={I[-1]}") if callback is not None: err = abs(I[-2] - I[-1]) if k > 1 else None if callback(I[-1], err, k): break return I[-1] def _quad_prod( C: ContourABC, # noqa: N803 f: AnalyticFunc, df: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, phi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, psi: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, abs_tol: float = 1.49e-08, rel_tol: float = 1.49e-08, df_approx_order: int = 2, ) -> complex: if df is None: df = numdifftools.Derivative(f, order=df_approx_order) # type: ignore # type checker needs this reassurance for some reason assert df is not None # nosec B101 # Using scipy.misc.derivative leads to some roots being missed in tests # df = lambda z: scipy.misc.derivative(f, z, dx=1.49e-8, n=1, order=3) # Too slow # import numdifftools.fornberg as ndf # ndf.derivative returns an array [f, f', f'', ...] # df = np.vectorize(lambda z: ndf.derivative(f, z, n=1)[1]) def one(z: ScalarOrArray) -> int: return 1 if phi is None: phi = one if psi is None: psi = one @overload def integrand_func(z: Union[complex, float]) -> complex: ... @overload def integrand_func( z: Union[npt.NDArray[np.complex_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]] ) -> Union[npt.NDArray[np.complex_], complex]: ... def integrand_func(z: ScalarOrArray) -> ComplexScalarOrArray: return phi(z) * psi(z) * (df(z) / f(z)) / (2j * pi) return C.integrate( integrand_func, abs_tol=abs_tol, rel_tol=rel_tol, int_method="quad" ) class RootError(RuntimeError): pass def count_roots( C: ContourABC, # noqa: N803 f: AnalyticFunc, df: Optional[AnalyticFunc] = None, int_abs_tol: float = 0.07, integer_tol: float = 0.1, div_min: int = 3, div_max: int = 15, df_approx_order: int = 2, int_method: IntegrationMethod = "quad", ) -> int: r""" For a function of one complex variable, f(z), which is analytic in and within the contour C, return the number of zeros (counting multiplicities) within the contour, N, using Cauchy's argument principle, .. math:: N = \frac{1}{2i\pi} \oint_C \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} dz. If df(z), the derivative of f(z), is provided then the above integral is computed directly. Otherwise the derivative is approximated using a finite difference method. The number of roots is taken to be the closest integer to the computed value of the integral and the result is only accepted if the integral is within integer_tol of the closest integer. Parameters ---------- C : :class:`Contour <cxroots.contour.Contour>` The contour which encloses the roots of f(z) that are to be counted. f : function Function of a single variable f(z). df : function, optional Function of a single complex variable, df(z), providing the derivative of the function f(z) at the point z. If not provided, df will be approximated using a finite difference method. int_abs_tol : float, optional Required absolute error tolerance for the contour integration. Since the Cauchy integral must be an integer it is only necessary to distinguish which integer the integral is converging towards. Therefore, int_abs_tol can be fairly large. integer_tol : float, optional The evaluation of the Cauchy integral will be accepted if its value is within integer_tol of the closest integer. div_min : int, optional Only used if int_method='romb'. Minimum number of divisions before the Romberg integration routine is allowed to exit. div_max : int, optional Only used if int_method='romb'. The maximum number of divisions before the Romberg integration routine of a path exits. df_approx_order : int, optional Only used if df=None and int_method='quad'. The argument order=df_approx_order is passed to numdifftools.Derivative and is the order of the error term in the Taylor approximation. df_approx_order must be even. int_method : {'quad', 'romb'}, optional If 'quad' then scipy.integrate.quad is used to perform the integral. If 'romb' then Romberg integraion, using scipy.integrate.romb, is performed instead. Returns ------- int The number of zeros of f (counting multiplicities) which lie within the contour C. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Computing number of roots within " + str(C)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore warnings and catch if integral is NaN later warnings.simplefilter("ignore") integral = prod( C, f, df, abs_tol=int_abs_tol, rel_tol=0, div_min=div_min, div_max=div_max, df_approx_order=df_approx_order, int_method=int_method, integer_tol=integer_tol, ) logger.debug(f"Integral for number of roots = {integral}") if np.isnan(integral): raise RootError( "Result of integral is an invalid value. " "Most likely because of a divide by zero error." ) elif ( abs(int(round(integral.real)) - integral.real) < integer_tol and abs(integral.imag) < integer_tol ): # integral is sufficiently close to an integer num_zeros = int(round(integral.real)) "Counted " + str(num_zeros) + " roots (including multiplicities) within " + str(C) ) return num_zeros else: raise RootError("The number of enclosed roots has not converged to an integer")