Source code for cxroots.root_result

from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional

import numpy as np

from cxroots.contour_interface import ContourABC

[docs] class RootResult( NamedTuple("RootResult", [("roots", List[complex]), ("multiplicities", List[int])]) ): """ A class which stores the roots and their multiplicites as attributes and provides convienent methods for displaying them. Attributes ---------- roots : list List of roots multiplicities : list List of multiplicities where the ith element of the list is the multiplicity of the ith element of roots. contour : Contour The contour bounding the region in which the roots were found. """ def __new__( cls, roots: List[complex], multiplicities: List[int], contour: ContourABC ): return super(RootResult, cls).__new__(cls, roots, multiplicities) def __init__( self, roots: List[complex], multiplicities: List[int], contour: ContourABC ): self.contour = contour super().__init__()
[docs] def show(self, save_file: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Plot the roots and the initial integration contour in the complex plane. Parameters ---------- save_file : str, optional If provided the plot of the roots will be saved with file name save_file instead of being shown. Example ------- .. plot:: :include-source: from cxroots import Circle C = Circle(0, 2) f = lambda z: z**6 + z**3 df = lambda z: 6*z**5 + 3*z**2 r = C.roots(f, df) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.contour.plot(linecolor="k", linestyle="--") plt.scatter(np.real(self.roots), np.imag(self.roots), color="k", marker="x") if save_file is not None: plt.savefig(save_file) plt.close() else:
def __str__(self): roots, multiplicities = np.array(self.roots), np.array(self.multiplicities) # reorder roots sortargs = np.argsort(roots) roots, multiplicities = roots[sortargs], multiplicities[sortargs] s = " Multiplicity | Root " s += "\n------------------------------------------------" for i, root in np.ndenumerate(roots): if root.real < 0: s += "\n{: ^14d}| {:.12f} {:+.12f}i".format( int(multiplicities[i]), root.real, root.imag ) else: s += "\n{: ^14d}| {:.12f} {:+.12f}i".format( int(multiplicities[i]), root.real, root.imag ) return s